Designing solutions with extensible interfaces is a well established practice. 用可扩展的接口设计解决方案是非常惯用的实践方法。
Remember what the world looked like before Unicode encodings became established practice. 还记得采用Unicode编码成为惯例之前世界是什么样吗?
Reviews and inspections are an established practice for many organizations and open source development projects. 检查是许多企业和开放源码项目的例行实践。
Habitual or established practice; custom. 惯例习惯性的或既定的做法;习俗。
As Main representative in conservatism, the modern new-Confucianists object to both the radical and sticking to the established practice, but take the attitude of "practical innovation". 作为保守主义的主要代表,现代新儒家既反对激进亦反对墨守成规,而是采取“切实而落于实践的创新”态度。
In Han Dynasty, folk customs was deeply influenced by Confucian Classical Theory, and the influence showed on the activities of funeral, sacrifice and the established practice of revenge. 两汉之时,民间习俗深受儒家经学的影响。这也表现在丧葬、祭祀活动和复仇风气方面。
Sticking to established practice cannot lead to creativity, nor can it help people out of difficult positions. 墨守成规不可能产生创新力,也无法使人脱离困境。
Signing a contract has not been an established practice for interpreting services, particularly when it comes to a contract between an organisation and an interpreter in his or her personal capacity. 签订翻译服务合同并不是提供翻译服务时的一个惯例。特别是一方是一家公司组织,而另外一方是译员孤身一人时更是如此。
During primary OC, nearly all detected polyps were removed, regardless of size, according to established practice guidelines. 在初期的OC筛查中,据实践指南,无论体积几乎所有检测的息肉都进行切除。
Longyan University has established a practice base of ideological and political education in Gutian Town and also organized its university students to hold posts in ten villages in this town. 龙岩学院在古田镇建立思想政治教育实践基地,并组建大学生实践团队到古田镇十个新农村建设试点村任职。
Peng Lei was born in1976 in Beijing, and studied film and animation at the Beijing Film Academy but soon established a practice that encompasses music, film, art, and pop culture. 彭磊1976年生于北京,曾在北京电影学院学习电影和动画,并很快开始了音乐、电影、绘画以及流行文化等范畴的尝试。
Combining a flotation with the sale of a minority stake to a strategic investor is an established practice. It has been used particularly in large, potentially difficult IPOs. 把上市工作和向战略投资者出售少数股权结合在一起,已成为一种惯例,尤其经常出现在规模宏大且难度可能较大的首次公开发行(IPO)上。
Innovation teaching is the everlasting theme for higher education. The theory for the innovation teaching and ability cultivation in business English, the teaching model, and exercises need to be explored and established through practice. 创新教学是高等教育永恒的主题,商务英语创新教学与能力培养的理论指导、教学模式、培养目标的实施都需要教学实践去探索和构建。
Instead youngsters are wished to comprehend the features of Chinese nation from traditional culture, everyday life, established practice and customs. 应该从传统文化中、从生活实际中、从民风民俗中领悟中华民族的特征。
But in inner market, a lot of chain supermarkets have not realized the value of the private brand yet, the management philosophy sticks to the established practice, have restricted the development of the private brand of supermarket of chain of our country. 而在国内市场上,自有品牌却刚刚处于起步阶段,许多连锁超市还没有意识到自有品牌的价值,经营思想墨守成规,制约了连锁超市自有品牌的发展。
Forest health is a new theory, which was established in practice of managing forest resources and controlling diseases and pests and fir in recent years. 森林健康是在森林资源管理和森林有害生物治理实践中形成的一种全新的理论。
It explained practice scientifically, and at the same time, it established practice as the basic position and vision of philosophy. 它科学地阐释了作为哲学思维方式的实践,同时又把实践作为哲学的基本立场和视野确立起来。
Probe into the Tradition of School Physical Education and it's Established Practice 对学校体育传统和风气的探讨
Second, due to the aesthetical transformation, the artistic movement of the sixth generation is quite different, which cannot be explained with the established practice of Chinese cinema and is no longer a so-called "Third World text" signified by the center of the western world. 其二,由于审美观念的转向,第六代的影像运动是颠覆性的,它不是任何中国既有的电影成规所能解释和覆盖的,也不再是西方中心世界指认的所谓第三世界文本。
Integrate with the practice in conversion work in university, suggests that university should be established in practice and take four measures to improve conversion rate. 结合在高校从事科技成果转化工作的实践经验,提出了从实际出发,提高科技成果转化的四项思路与措施。
So through use ripe customer satisfaction test and assessment system satisfied with investigation of going on to customer, appliance chains enterprise in this text, has made the analysis on real example, has established practice foundation for the formulation of the marketing strategy. 因此本文通过运用成熟的顾客满意度测评体系对家电连锁企业的顾客满意进行了调查,并做了实证上的分析,为营销策略的制定奠定了实践基础。
However, the company established practice, defects established as the product of a state of existence. 但在公司设立的具体实践中,公司瑕疵设立作为公司设立过程中的一种非常态的产物大量的存在着。
Firstly, improve the domestic tax system, secondly, establish and perfect the guarantee system of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in accordance with established practice. 一是完善国内税收制度。二是按照惯例建立和完善跨国并购保证制度。
In second language writing classes, it is an established practice of giving feedback on student errors. 二语写作中,为学生提供书面反馈是一种根深蒂固的教学实践。
Based on the criteria for determining the purpose and criteria for determining the comparative negligence analysis of established judicial practice, objective criteria that the majority of war status. 本文通过对故意的判断标准和过失的判断标准比较分析,确定了在司法实践中,客观标准说战多数地位。
It established practice as the cornerstone of historical materialism from the sublation on Hegelian world history theory. 本部分阐释了马克思通过对黑格尔的世界历史观念的扬弃为突破口,从而确立了实践为理论基石的历史唯物主义新视界的历程。
Zen Mind On the basis of its established practice their own unique style of thinking, but also follow the above four aspects. 禅宗依据其心性论建立了自己独具一格的修行思想,但也遵循上述四个方面。
Marx established the practice of thinking, starting from the practice to understand the relationship between man and nature, is the relationship between man and nature, science understanding. 马克思确立了实践的思维方式,从实践出发去理解人与自然的关系,是对人与自然之间关系的科学理解。
Prenatal diagnosis is now part of established obstetric practice in many countries. 目前产前诊断在许多国家是固定的产科检查的一部分。
Judicial economy is one of the judicatory principles established in practice of WTO Dispute Settlement Body, and it is not specified by WTO agreement and its covering agreements. 司法经济原则是WTO争端解决机构在实践中发展起来的一项司法原则,在WTO协定及其涵盖协定中没有明确的规定。